Assessments for Strengthening Teams /
Team Building Workshops

The emerging trend relating to research on effective teams indicates that it is not so much the traditional functional expertise of individual team members that predict effective performance, rather it is the blend of personality traits and dispositions which drive team members towards informal rules and patterns of behaviours. The best way to understand and leverage this aspect is to measure and understand differences in personality traits.

Shadow Consulting Ltd offers two types of solutions with regards to team building each requiring the completion of personality questionnaires prior to workshop participation.
Our two offerings are…

1. Foundations

This work is mostly based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It works best in teams composed of individuals who are early in their understanding of self and others and are early in their understanding of how to leverage differences. The overriding theme is self-awareness, tolerance, and appreciation of diversity in the name of leveraging positive and smooth interactions. Workshops themselves can vary between half a day and one day.

2. Performance

This workshop is focused on individuals and teams which are already sharpened and performing well.

This solution works best with teams comprised of members who have developed a level of psychological and emotional maturity and as such people who are well placed (given the right tools) to leverage tension and conflict to achieve outcomes. Prior to the workshop participants complete and receive individual feedback on the Hogan’s suite of assessment tools which include the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and the Motives and Values Personality Inventory (MVPI). This workshop focuses on team strengths and weaknesses, potential team fracture lines and team culture and shared values. Rather than avoiding tension this workshop focuses on understanding it and leveraging it so as to ensure dynamism and results.