Development Assessment
Our assessment for development solutions add significant value to your professional development initiatives as a tool by which to understand where and how to target your professional development initiatives and investments.
Our three core offerings are…
1. Psychometric Assessment
Subsequent to a robust briefing from you, the sponsoring client, we select from a range of psychometric tests which can give insights with regards to appropriate professional development for a given individual. When the assessment focus has completed his or her assessments we conduct one on one in-depth feedback to both the individual and the sponsoring manager. This can sometimes occur within the context of a three-way meeting. Where a coach is involved we will reach out to the coach and provide them with insights that they will need to enable them to accurately focus their intervention.
2. 360° Assessments
Shadow Consulting Ltd has access to a number of ‘off the shelf’ 360° Assessment Tools and finds those produced by the Management Research Group to be in greatest demand. We are always looking to expand our range of 360° tools and will include additional tools if they meet our standards for rigour and utility.
3. High Fidelity Assessments
We have found that by combining ‘above the surface’ evidence sourced through 360° questionnaires and ‘below the surface’ evidence sourced through psychometric assessment we are able to develop insights that not only uncover strengths and development opportunities but also develops insights in terms of how to prioritise and focus subsequent developmental interventions and initiatives.